Tag Archives: grub

Itchin’ for something

jasper scratch Jasper i& I have been itchin‘ for something… from “scratch?!” 

Tucker looks at his brother: tucker look

dsc05180 What is it, boy?!

Before we see if Jasper can help me satisfy our itches, I got some more freebies from work!

dsc05167 < Greens + Chocolate Energy Bar… & I bought a new flavor (for me) because some co-workers rave about the Grape. Eh, so-so. Kombucha is “cheap” at $2.50 right now… who am I, shelling out $2.50 for a drink?! Cheaper than booze, I suppose & it still makes me feel BUZZIN‘!!!

So, this is what the bar looks like, outside & in:

dsc05169 dsc05170 dsc05175 it’s green from all the goodness in it! Seriously, some pretty awesome ingredients. It’s a little low in protein, but it’s not a “protein bar” (they have those), it’s an “energy bar.” 

Oh guess what? I finished 2 boxes of tea in the cupboard, so… I tried another brand’s Chai tea. Seriously, I love tea, but I’ve had better. I like TwiningsEarl Gray (Grey?), but this isn’t bad, especially all sweet & s’milky!

twinings chai tea

OKAY, so ya know what I was itchin’ for?! FRIED RICE!!! haha, I am sorry, but it’s really not unhealthy! Ingredients:


  • brown rice
  • mixed veggies
  • an egg
  • some spicy chili-Asian sauce
  • a touch of olive oil & Bragg’s


fried rice in skillet dsc05204

I also added cashews after I needed a little more *crunch* & substance. Hit the spot, wherever that may be.

dsc05130 Ahhh! Satisfaction!


Filed under dogs, grub, work

The Beatles speak again:

HELP! I need somebody, HELP! not just anybody… (YOU?!) Read on…(please!)

Remember when we would rather be “WOKKING?!” (I admit I kept thinking it was meant to be working, but it made more sense if it was a play on walking, since it was a car & they were driving!) Well, now look what’s being advertised:


Cute! Of course, this was in the parking lot after yoga! Hippie-freaks Earth-lovers! ☮

So… ho-hum, what’s going on in the world of OP?! During my long no-blog-time, I was contemplating stopping the blog! Just vanishing– *poof!* But, I really do like it & I’d miss it too much. I love reading your blogs, too, & commenting. How weird would it be if I commented, without having an online identity?! Oh, shame! I’m sorry to say this was what I was thinking, but happy to report that I’ll continue! I love writing! I love the community! I want to RAVE about more than what I’ve been doing… (I’m better than that, right?! hah!)

Okay, okay. I also want to ask you guys for some help here. I want to make a “Recipes” section/page on this site. But I also want to make it through a link, so you can search it, without hitting the arrow down, through all of the recipes! Can anyone help a sistah’ out?! Okay, this is me, being helpless! PLEASE & THANKS!

GRUB!!! I made the Smokey Split Pea Soup from E,D&BV (love it!), but I didn’t add the smoked tofu it called for. I also used smoked paprika instead of regular, so it was still “smokin‘!”

dsc04997 dsc05010

served with these “everything” pretzels–> dsc05009 

I also made a new batch of hummus. I go through one batch by myself, per week. Luckily, my new ED&BV has an entire section for hummus (& dips)!!! This makes me a happy girl! I’ve tried 3 so far, but this batch was modified, from Dreena’s version: it contained curry, raisins & tomatoes, along with the “regular” stuff:

dsc05116 dsc05119 < part of a raisin on one side of the carrot, tomato piece on the other… not so friendly!

THEN, I had a great idea! This hummus is spicy, but it’s also kind of sweet (think Indian cuisine!), so it would be great with a mango chutney, or something… well, I didn’t have mango chutney on hand (ha!), so I improvised, sammich-style! I used these guys on each side of a toasted ww bagel:

dsc05117 dsc05121

& added these guys (onion, cucumber & sprouts):

dsc05125 to get this: dsc05127

Va-Va-Voom!!! GREAT combo, if I say so myself!!!

I’m going to try to mix up the posts a little more. What do you want to see? As I’ve suggested before:

  • tea time?
  • health-nut food store people & stories?
  • entire day’s worth of food (because I just post parts of meals & only some of them)?
  • doggie-stuff?
  • contests?
  • OTHER?! Should I dedicate a specific day to one of these ideas (such as “Tea-time-Tuesday” & “Weird Health Store Wednesday” etc.)?

Also, I’ve been feeling VERY CRAMPY during my running (I am running further & longer lately- RAWR!!!)- any tips, advice or insight to this?! My appetite goes away for a few hours, but then once I do get hungry, it’s NON-STOP!!! I don’t mind eating (:-D) but I want to feel more “regular” with meals & hunger!!!

SO: I have a few requests in this post. I hope ya’ll (someone!) can help me out! Youz guyz iz great! 

(I am so vulnerable here…)


Filed under exercise, grub, Uncategorized

Oh, look what I’ve done

…look what I’ve done & eaten, lately, I mean:

Sweet Kristina from Stonyfield Farm sent me a bunch of fun stuff! Coupons, free Oikos & a canvas bag to lug it all out of the store! Thanks, Kristina! I look forward to trying all the products & telling my lovely e-friends about the delicious orgasmic organic treats!


Because my camera was M-I-A, maybe in a Paper Plane (…), I took some MacBook photos, weeee! Here, we have golden oats, with (beige-not-golden) oat bran/oatmeal, a Golden Delicious apple, golden raisins… I just needed a golden crown or something:

photo-27 photo-29

Yeah, it was tastyyyy! photo-28

pretzel < I must rave about these babies. When I buy salted pretzels, I pretty much end up picking off the salt. It’s like a game, but my mouth becomes raw if I don’t! (ick!) So now, (DUH to me!) I buy unsalted pretzels! They’re soo addicting! Here, I dipped them in: half homemade hummus & half Dijon mustard! (I’m sorry Matt, but this mustard ROCKS the hizz-ouse!!!) 

dsc04802 < another unidentifiable bowl of oats! Why do I keep taking pictures of them, if they look the same? I’d assume it has walnuts, a banana, some s’milk, cinnamon & other goodies in it, but it’s a mystery now!

tea < give it up for some Oregon love! Stash Tea is manufactured close to Portland (Tigard), so I love it more! I got the double spice Chai tea & WOW, I looooove it, especially sweetened & (s’)milky! I’ll rave about this, too!

dsc04805 dsc04807

^ tempeh-veggie-avocado-BBQ (sauce) sammich! The tempeh isn’t cooked. Just in the raw– very scandalous

dsc04886 < sauteed veggies (green beans, squash & zucchini), tempe-teh (from ED&BV– YES, I ordered it… LOVE IT & can’t wait to make different hummus from the entire section it has about it!), with a side of that Dijon to dip, a whole wheat roll with buttah’ & a baked sweet ‘tater with more buttah’, brown sugar & cinnamon

& because I saw this –> wok

I made this: 

stir-fry dsc04898

I used green curry paste & subbed s’milk for the coconut milk, with veggies & tempeh. A stir-fry that was creamy & divine!

dsc04804 < I made this with frozen mango,  s’milk & some plain yogurt to thicken it more. Very good & refreshing!

dsc04780 < can you spy a boy in a tuxedo?!

OH-EM-GEE! Guess what I saw back in Target, just yesterday?!


My favorite Luna bar: PB Cookie (Nutz Over Chocolate is back, too)- from the recall. I’ve honestly been neglecting my girl Luna, as they’re getting really sweet, but this flavor (PB Cookie!) totally makes me & my taste buds happy! I sincerely hope this “PB-scare” is gone for good!

I am so very jealous of Heather’s yoga journey! I’m happy she was able to do it (you-go-girlfriend!), especially because of my love of yoga lately. Check out her final review of her workshop!


Filed under books, dogs, grub

Temptation with Foodstuff

I’ve been busy in the kitchen! Check it out, yo:

pancakes pancakes with topping

^ Vegan Coconut-Pineapple-(Blueberry) ww Pancakes from Vegan with a Vengeance. This was so great! It’s been so long since I’ve had pancakes. I made them Friday morning, when I have no school or real reason to be up early, so it started a leisurely day off well! I did not make the “Pineapple Sauce” they suggested, but mixed up canned pineapple (with a bit of juice), blueberries, coconut, a bit of smilk & plain yogurt & agave. Just enough “moisture” for these beaut’s! I will make this again. I burnt one side of one, so I shared part of that with Jas-i-per & Tuck-i-fer! They didn’t complain!

coffee temptation < I randomly went to Whole Foods (grr, competition for independent stores like mine! But I wanted to check it out & compare) & was greeted by this temptation. I passed by it, backed up, took a deep whiff, snapped a picture, & moved on again. Go Me! Is this 4 weeks, holding strong with no coffee? Even at dinner parties we serve coffee afterward & I have to make it. And free coffee at work. Well, free tea too, so I’m set! Yazoo! I feel real good with my decision & don’t feel deprived of it, though Sunday I was draggin’… I lovez me some teaz!

oats in orange < Why didn’t I use this orange bowl & spoon sooner?! It’s purr-fect, along with my Breast Cancer mug. In this bowl is oat bran, a banana, almond butter, cinnamon, walnuts & smilk!

So, I went grocery shopping (not at WF) & here are some things I got that are new to me. The other stuff, I hid already!

new groc bible bread

^ 3-bean salad, Artichoke-Lemon Pepper “Hommus”, Annie’s Tuscany Italian Dressing, og. Tamari Pumpkin Seeds, Dairy-Free Mac’n’Chreese (haha- anyone try this?) & also Garden of Eatin’ “Bible Bread”- traditional pita pockets with a great, short ingredient list: Organically grown whole wheat flour, water, organically grown sesame seeds, yeast and sea salt. I’ll take it! I love the hummus & dressing, too- new flavors for me!

parfait dsc04614

^ Breakfast Parfait, in an effort to switch it up from oats. Then I deconstructed it because it became difficult to get more than one ingredient in a bite… with Mr. Bigelow tea. In it was: plain yogurt, blueberries, chopped apple, cinnamon & Sunflower-Pumpkin Seed granola

wheatberries I made a wheatberry salad, inspired by these hoots! I don’t know the real recipe, so I just added chopped celery, apple, walnuts, wheat berries (duh!), plain yogurt & the thing that brought out the ingredients= apple cider vinegar, with some salad seasoning herbs on top! YUM!

Another cooking-success?! From 101 Cookbooks. All her recipes & photos are amazing & this dish, the Orange Pan-glazed Tempeh was no exception. I served it with spinach & wheatberries (because I made a TON when I made them!) & a salad with dressing & sliced almonds:

close tempeh meal orange tempeh & wheat berries 

Guess who liked it, too?


Welp, I hope that those of you with exams & other important things on your “to-do” lists are doing MORE THAN okay!!!

I’m still working on getting a new header & theme & such… I’m workin on it, but if you could send me some help & ideas, I’d love an e-mail at smbvb10@hotmail.com. If you know-someone-who-knows-someone, too, I’d so appreciate it. Should I make a contest? How do people catch on & how can I make that worthy?!

THANKS, Lovely Ones!


Filed under books, dogs, groceries, grub


I mean, CATCH UP! Because there ain’t no KETCHUP here! …instead… 

close up

Did I lure you in? …keep reading to see more!

I’m sorry I have been a naughty, absent bloggermama, but I’ve been pretty good about commenting on everyone else’s lovely blog-iggities! Thanks for keeping my interest & taking up all my free time, GOSH! No, I love it!

…continuing from Valentine’s Day, like I said before, my dad & I got pedicures. This is a picture of the little Oriental ladies (who know us by name) rubbing our dogs. Please disregard the scary Casper-legs. I’m working on it. My dad is drooling. See us in all our luxury:

pedicure HA! My color is called “Wild Child”– a bright green-ish… my dad picked it out. I guess I’ll be ready for St. Patty’s Day!

I’ve been taking lots of yummy food-photos (the photos aren’t yummy, but what’s in them has been!) Here are some oatbran breakfasts, as of late:

dsc04493 dsc04575 dsc04576 < with banana, soy, pb & granola; again with banana, nuts, soy & banana… with my mom’s cute little cocktail napkins (she thinks she’s funny & this is so her…); & with soy, strawberries & nut butter. I really forget what is in each, but they had cinnamon (of course!) & were all good & truly solidify my love for oatbran.

P.S. That’s TEAnot COFFEE!!! Weeee!!!

dsc04492 < my Multi-vitamin of choice & Calcium-Magnesium-D(3) supplement, in strawberry-flavored liquid form (milky, but I like flava’-flave!)

dsc04577 hand ques jas + ques < Tempeh Quesadillas, based off of this recipe, from Vegetarian Times (online), but I didn’t broil it with cheese on top. I added peppers, onions, spinach, mozzarella, tempeh, tomatoes, salsa in a whole-wheat tortilla; cooked it in the skillet; served it alongside homemade guacamole (just avocado, salsa, onion & red pepper flakes!) & blue corn tortilla chips. A nice lunch, with Jasper in the background, contemplating the meaning of life… or something like that.

Friday the 13th was my grandpa’s birthday, so on that Sunday the 15th, we had the family over to celebrate that & Lover’s-Day on the 14th. (that was out of order, sorry) I made a cake from Vegan With a Vengeance: 

Raspberry Blackout Cake with Ganache-y Frosting– here it is, in the process/layers:

1st jam layer 1st frosting layer layer 2 jam finished 


My mom is way creative (hello, teacher!) so we had a “circus-theme”, bringing out the inner child of my grandpa. Our table cloth was (*homemade*) zebra-print, & we had circus animals & clowns/ring-leaders on the table, too. Here’s the arrangement I made. I’m so 6-years-old:

circus RAWR!!!

jim < He likes the gorilla

jim tootin his horn < tootin’ his own horn= ring leader?

with flowers slice of cake

… this cake turned out so moist & delicious! If you have the cookbook & have a reason to make it (& even if you don’t!), DO IT– you will not be disappointed!!! It was a major hit, if I do say so myself (& I do)! The party was great, too! Having family around is always a fabulous, beautiful thing, don’t ya agree? Even if you don’t always get along with them all, the love is still there! For sure!

Okay, this post is way-long, but I have some other great kitchen-makings that I feel really great about showing you! SOONER THAN LAST TIME, I will show you!

Until then, enjoy your weekends. What are you doing?! I hope it’s warming up in some wretched parts of the country! I’m sending warm wishes to you all- in your hearts & on your bodacious bods!




Filed under books, dogs, family, grub, holiday, winter

I think I’m clear!

A few days ago, I picked up some things from the store, new to me: 


^ cherry-pomegranate Fruit & Grain bagels, sunflower seed butter, & multi-grain hot cereal


^ Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness juice (2-for-$2.79!), vanilla Chai tea (after seeing it frequently appearing on Miss Gliding Calm’s blog), some stir-fry veggies… & Orange Pop? Plus, a couple of bars!

So, I thought I was all good, buying sunflower seed butter, even before the recall! 

SSB < crunchy with full sunflower seeds!

Then yesterday I busted out one of my new PB Cookie Luna bars at school the other day, & tossed the wrapper, without a thought. Later, when I started feeling icky, I thought about it. Yesterday, I went to the store in which I bought it to check if the same box might be there with the date on it. Well, if it’s from the same box, it’s “Best By” September ’09, which makes it safe. 

Thank you for all your concerns!

The bagel, by the way, is great!!! The ingredient list is short, & though they’re smaller than a lot of bagels out there, the flavor is excellent!

bagel < great with  VeggieGirl’s flavored nut-butters!

Some other eats lately:


^ veggie egg-scramble (check out that bubble!)


^ sweet potato fries with Agave, ginger & cinnamon, plus a mini-squash thrown in there!


^ seasoned tempeh, my fries + broccoli. I’m not a huge ketchup gal, but I tried it with my fries & really liked it that way! I pretty much ate this with my hands… like “tempeh-nuggets?”

It’s weird, I’m feeling head-heavy & stuffed-up, with a sore throat today. I’ve got no school today, just work later, so I’m planning to relax, drink some tea (weird I don’t even want coffee today!) & maybe take a trip to Target. Maybe.

Everyone stay warm & happy! Have a super-duper weekend! Have any fun plans on the agenda?! I hope so!

P.S. There’s a dog whimpering on the Today show & my pups are going crazy!


Filed under errands, groceries, grub, optimism, shopping, work

A good-kinda tired

Yesterday, work wasn’t nearly as busy… we were actually pretty slow at night, despite having a more rushed day. My day started with a 7:30 am store meeting, held by the store managers, with every department having to attend.  

I was nervous about making the meeting because 3 months ago, at the last meeting, I totally forgot to go. I had been counting on it all month long & thought about it all the time to make sure I went, but by the time that morning came, I was even up for the time of the meeting, but instead, I hung out until my class at 9! I had to go to the make-up meeting on a Sunday morning, instead.  This time, you had to get it approved ahead of time if you were going to miss it, so I didn’t want another mishap to occur.

Luckily, I worked on Wednesday night & set 2 alarms on my phone that night to be sure.  And yes! I woke up before 7 & made it to work early to clock in & get some coffee & breakfast.  They had a Panera-catered spread with bagels & cream cheese & also doughnuts & fruit.  It was early for me, so I had some fruit & coffee.  I got paid for this?! Okay! Someone from work texted me at 7:06 am to see when the meeting was… hmm, they made it (though, late). 

After that, I was feelin’ my caffeine, so I drove over the bridge to the beach & started running along this path, next to the bay/gulf:


When I looked to the left, this was my view:


What a beautiful day, huh?! It was still a little chilly because we had a storm the day before, bringing in a front, but it got warmer throughout the day.  I ran down this trail until I hit the beach… then I ran on the sand until my calves felt the work & I continued to run along the water.  I finally came to a pier which marked a good place to turn around, so I did & made the loop back along the water & back on the trail to my car again.  I didn’t bring my camera on the run, but, I assure you, it was faboo!

I ate, walked Bella, ate some more, showered, went to work, & came home really hungry! 

I had cooked some red quinoa earlier, so I opened a can of organic garbanzo beans, & added some carrots, spinach, garlic & salsa to look like this:


…then I heated it up & ate it with organic blue corn chips & more salsa. I promise I ate mannnny more chips than this, but to give you a visual:


I LOVE the way the red quinoa looks… & quinoa in general has a nutty/crunchy texture that drives me bonkers! …in a good way!

(not much) later I got pretty hungry, so I had the rest of my dark chocolate-covered ginger, & also pretzels + (HoneyShredded Wheat dipped in almond butter & some smilk. By that time, I was finally satisfied, feeling very human & very tired. So, I went to bed! Lots of boldness going on here! Lots to high-light, I suppose!

Today I slept til’ 10:30, after waking up at 8:30 & feeling tired & willing to give sleep another gosuccess! It felt great to sleep, though part of me was like *oh- get up!*

I met my sister at the beach & we took a long walk together, dreaming of the beach houses we will own one day down there! No pictures of today, sorry… it was another beautiful day, though! Imagine paradise & imagine Miss OP in blissful, peaceful nature!

Well, then we saw the movie Bride Wars, which I liked more than I thought I would! Cute! My sister loves these kinds of movies… I like them, for what they are… I did like this one, though I was predicting what would happen from before I bought my ticket!

It’s not too late, but today I’m just feeling tired from the effects of the previous days being so full of exercise, energy, & life! A good tired, for sure! 

I’ll probably just stay in, watch movies, make some grub & call it a night tonight. Tomorrow, I may take another HOT YOGA class (with my sister?) & use my new orange yoga mat.  I like putting this yoga class in CAPS because it makes it seem that much more intense… ’cause I sweat like a little (not-to-be-eaten) piggy! 

Still searchin’ for a book, though I did sign up for a paperback swap program, so I’ll have to get on that…


Filed under exercise, family, grub, movies, work

It’s a Wonderful Life!

Yesterday might have been one of the best days of the year! (is that fair?) Well, here’s what I did, in order, with a few pictures:

  • Woke up at about 8am & brewed some coffee
  • Went to hot yoga from 9:30-11am
  • drank lots of water on my way to TJMaxx. There, I bought a new yoga mat & a laptop case. I have been using my mom’s mat, but I bought my own orange mat! This is my second laptop sleeve/case, but the 1st one was much too small, so I got this one:

laptop back laptop front

 purple-y, huh?


< showing it’s backside (oh!)



& it’s front, spilling it’s brains (cords) >





  • Then, I went home, made me some grub (huge-ontic salad with greens, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, edamame, garbanzos, peppers; an apple; & carrots with hummus) & ate it outside
  • puttered around on my computer, especially on Craig’s List because I’m searching for a bike. I e-mailed a guy about one & there’s a strong possibility of me getting it. He e-mailed me back quickly, so I may go take a look-see this week! I also e-mailed my friend down the street who restores bikes for fun (!) & works at a bike store in town to see if it’s a good deal… he says go for it!
  • I decided to finally test out my new shoes from Christmas (why did I wait this long?!), thus I found myself on a 35-minute run… I felt like I was flying… or going fast, for me! But, I also decided the shoes were half a size too smallouch!
  • I got back home and prepared a letter to my sister, including random, funny newspaper clippings & pictures, because she thinks those kinds of things are weird and funny, like I do, too. Many of these were about cats & Prez Bush-isms
  • I whipped up a smoothie, using this: alive a-c packet It has a LOT of really great, whole-foods ingredients (greens, spirulina, etc.) with 16 g. protein + apple-cinnamon flavor, yum! I added an apple, ice, water, & a couple of spoonfuls of sogurt… & cinnamon. It looked like this, in the blender: alive in blender GREEN!!! I was like, what’s going on here??? …but that’s how it’s supposed to be because of the ingredients, soo, I popped it in the freezer, while I…
  • Took a shower & got dressed
  • Then, I drank this: alive smoothie with more cinnamon on top. At 1st, I didn’t like it. I wanted to like it, but I didn’t. I kept drinking it, and finally decided I did like it! The added apple & sogurt made  it thicker & I liked the way I felt after it, with all those wholesome ingredients! I probably won’t buy this particular flavor again, but I like the product. I did this on my way…
  • to the Post Office to mail something for my dad & my sister’s letter
  • & to exchange my shoes for the correct size. It’s quite a trek over to do that, so I’m glad I had some fuel! I got a little nervous driving ol’ Desi (my 1997 Toyota Tercel) over there, especially when I thought it was over-heating, YIKES! So, I drove about 60 mph or slower the entire time, despite those angry, fast drivers. I also returned a sweatshirt & got store-credit for it.
  • While I was over that direction, I stopped by Whole Foods. I wasn’t that impressed, so I left almost directly and headed to my natural-foods store/work for dinner.
  • I got there about 20 minutes before they closed the Colossal Salad Bar, so I had to hurry, which is not like me in my eating habits! I piled on a HUUUUUGE salad (x2) & tried split-pea soup for the first time- YUM! I added cayenne pepper for a kick. I also had a large bowl of fruit. Nothing like making your own salad with every ingredient imaginable (2 kinds of tofu (teriyaki & blackened), chickpeas, edamame, shredded carrot & beet, mushrooms, marinated mushrooms, tomatoes, steamed veggies, raw veggies, crunchy & “hair-like” sprouts, about 7 different dressings, nuts, raisins, different cheeses, cooked eggs, different grain-salads & mixtures…. tons!) + rice & beans, soups…. DEE-VINE! No photo– sorry, maybe another time.
  • I left stuffed, so I went home, got some goodies together & left for my uncle’s to have some dark chocolate-covered ginger & go to sleep

Today, I have to finish registering for classes & turn my change into ca$h… not much else… maybe go visit that bike and/or see a movie, go book-browsing… I never know!

Have a great week, friends!!!

*OH! By the way, the makers of Clif products have a red wine out, that is organic, with no sulfites. I hear it’s excellent & totally worth raving about!


Filed under errands, exercise, grub, optimism, school, shopping, work

Tree-huggin’ Christmas gift

Last night, I went home to find a package from my friend Bama filled with goodies like Clif and Kashi bars, Sport beans, a funny Christmas card and Chris Carmichael’s book Food for Fitness to “Eat Right to Train Right” because I’d love to run more and even compete again, but want to make sure I have my bases covered, as far as good sport nutrition! THANKS BAMA- you’re GRRRR-REAT!

Last night I felt like baking. With all these awesome bloggers making cookies and other yummy treats this time of year, even though I’m getting sweets, I still want to contribute. i thought about something original. Then, I thought something homemade and totally OrangePop-ish would be the best! Soooo, I came out with 2 varieties of…


While The Santa Claus was on TV, I just sort of looked up recipes, and then played around and made my own anyway. My 1st attempt I tried a variation of “Almond Joy” except later I realized I should have added cocoa powder for the chocolate part…oh, well!

granola 1

granola 2

The 2nd one, I added more dried fruit and nuts and… wow, even more of a winner!

granola 3

I put them in granola tubs tubs.

I know there’s a niftier idea than plastic baggies to give them in (I still want to make more varieties, but I was getting sleepy!) **Any suggestions??** They’re very much welcomed!

Would you believe that they contain no oil? It’s true. I may post the recipe I used, if they’re hits, or if I get an influx of requests.

…until then, THERE’S ONLY A FEW MORE SHOPPING DAYS LEFT ‘TIL CHRISTMAS! EVERYONE BE HAPPY AND LOVING 😀 and especially, show it if you feel it!


Filed under grub, holiday, movies, optimism, shopping, winter

Thankful and Giving! (and getting)

What a wonderful day I had on Thanksgiving! TG

^ Here I am with Mr. & Mrs. OrangePop… those who birthed me! I love them a lot and am very fortunate to have such loving and supportive parents! I have 2 older sisters who, unfortunately, weren’t able to make it. My sister who is away working at a ski resort went to a church and had a free dinner with the old people who sponsored it!!! How cute! My other sister had her traditional meal the night before and she ate leftovers (which, I think, is one of the best parts of the food-part of the holiday!) that day and lounged, watched the parade (where she actually went to see it in NY last year!). She came home the next day and we’ve been hanging out, when I’m not at work


^ My Vegan with a Vengeance cake! The Ginger-Macadamia Nut-Coconut-Carrot Cake was a total hit!

Quorn Quorn Turk’y Roast– I loved it! Even the biggest meat-eater tried it and agreed it tasted just like turkey and admitted to even liking it! Yay! It’s not vegan, but I’m not. I rubbed it with olive oil and Italian seasoning and then baked it wrapped in tin-foil! Delish!

 sweet taters Sweet Potato Casserole– my favorite side, which became more like the center. Plenty of walnuts, brown sugar and goodness in this baby!

My Black Friday started at 6am, when my mom and I went to Target (oh, love) and saw people LEAVING when we got there… whatttt?! Ludicrous! It’s not that I just needed anything or was looking for something in particular, but this gal loves a good deal, so I was on the hunt… I also loved that it marked the beginning of the holiday season so it was fun listening to the first bit of holiday music on the way there, while it was still dark. I got a sweater-ish top, a pair of black high-tops, Werther’s hard candies, and gum. Woo, big-spender. Then, we went to Michael’s where I got 2 types of yarn (I can crochet!) and some stationary. Then, Old Navy, where I bought two T-shirts. All on sale. Because I’m thrifty like that!

Today, we (my parents, oldest sis & I) went to get our Christmas tree! Beforehand, we stopped and got coffee and bagels, then skipped along to the tree-tent.  We’ve been debating whether or not to get a small tree and put it on a table, like we did last year when Jasper was a very curious pup; or to get a regular-sized tree and risk him eating the ornaments off the bottom, try to drink the tree’s water, or something else spontaneous and odd… in the end, we decided on a tall tree! The very 1st one we looked at was the one we got! It’s just beautiful and it fills the house with a comforting, lovely smell! Live trees are just the way to go! I’ll show you a picture once all the ornaments go up, but for now:



*Tucker & Jasper taking turns playing Santa!

As we decorated, we, of course, listened to holiday tunes. What’s your favorite song of the season?! I love (I think it’s Paul McCartney?) the song that goes, “Simply- having- a wonderful Christmastime!” It’s so happy and fun! Traditionally speaking, I love “Silent Night” (sad and lovely, because it reminds me of my Grandma) and “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” especially by Bing Crosby!


I hope everyone had a fantastic, loving Thanksgiving, like I did! 

Oh, another school week begins, sooo make it a great one!

XOXO~Gossip Girl Miss OP


Filed under dogs, errands, grub, holiday, movies, optimism, school, shopping, Uncategorized