Tag Archives: Jasper

Itchin’ for something

jasper scratch Jasper i& I have been itchin‘ for something… from “scratch?!” 

Tucker looks at his brother: tucker look

dsc05180 What is it, boy?!

Before we see if Jasper can help me satisfy our itches, I got some more freebies from work!

dsc05167 < Greens + Chocolate Energy Bar… & I bought a new flavor (for me) because some co-workers rave about the Grape. Eh, so-so. Kombucha is “cheap” at $2.50 right now… who am I, shelling out $2.50 for a drink?! Cheaper than booze, I suppose & it still makes me feel BUZZIN‘!!!

So, this is what the bar looks like, outside & in:

dsc05169 dsc05170 dsc05175 it’s green from all the goodness in it! Seriously, some pretty awesome ingredients. It’s a little low in protein, but it’s not a “protein bar” (they have those), it’s an “energy bar.” 

Oh guess what? I finished 2 boxes of tea in the cupboard, so… I tried another brand’s Chai tea. Seriously, I love tea, but I’ve had better. I like TwiningsEarl Gray (Grey?), but this isn’t bad, especially all sweet & s’milky!

twinings chai tea

OKAY, so ya know what I was itchin’ for?! FRIED RICE!!! haha, I am sorry, but it’s really not unhealthy! Ingredients:


  • brown rice
  • mixed veggies
  • an egg
  • some spicy chili-Asian sauce
  • a touch of olive oil & Bragg’s


fried rice in skillet dsc05204

I also added cashews after I needed a little more *crunch* & substance. Hit the spot, wherever that may be.

dsc05130 Ahhh! Satisfaction!


Filed under dogs, grub, work

Oh, look what I’ve done

…look what I’ve done & eaten, lately, I mean:

Sweet Kristina from Stonyfield Farm sent me a bunch of fun stuff! Coupons, free Oikos & a canvas bag to lug it all out of the store! Thanks, Kristina! I look forward to trying all the products & telling my lovely e-friends about the delicious orgasmic organic treats!


Because my camera was M-I-A, maybe in a Paper Plane (…), I took some MacBook photos, weeee! Here, we have golden oats, with (beige-not-golden) oat bran/oatmeal, a Golden Delicious apple, golden raisins… I just needed a golden crown or something:

photo-27 photo-29

Yeah, it was tastyyyy! photo-28

pretzel < I must rave about these babies. When I buy salted pretzels, I pretty much end up picking off the salt. It’s like a game, but my mouth becomes raw if I don’t! (ick!) So now, (DUH to me!) I buy unsalted pretzels! They’re soo addicting! Here, I dipped them in: half homemade hummus & half Dijon mustard! (I’m sorry Matt, but this mustard ROCKS the hizz-ouse!!!) 

dsc04802 < another unidentifiable bowl of oats! Why do I keep taking pictures of them, if they look the same? I’d assume it has walnuts, a banana, some s’milk, cinnamon & other goodies in it, but it’s a mystery now!

tea < give it up for some Oregon love! Stash Tea is manufactured close to Portland (Tigard), so I love it more! I got the double spice Chai tea & WOW, I looooove it, especially sweetened & (s’)milky! I’ll rave about this, too!

dsc04805 dsc04807

^ tempeh-veggie-avocado-BBQ (sauce) sammich! The tempeh isn’t cooked. Just in the raw– very scandalous

dsc04886 < sauteed veggies (green beans, squash & zucchini), tempe-teh (from ED&BV– YES, I ordered it… LOVE IT & can’t wait to make different hummus from the entire section it has about it!), with a side of that Dijon to dip, a whole wheat roll with buttah’ & a baked sweet ‘tater with more buttah’, brown sugar & cinnamon

& because I saw this –> wok

I made this: 

stir-fry dsc04898

I used green curry paste & subbed s’milk for the coconut milk, with veggies & tempeh. A stir-fry that was creamy & divine!

dsc04804 < I made this with frozen mango,  s’milk & some plain yogurt to thicken it more. Very good & refreshing!

dsc04780 < can you spy a boy in a tuxedo?!

OH-EM-GEE! Guess what I saw back in Target, just yesterday?!


My favorite Luna bar: PB Cookie (Nutz Over Chocolate is back, too)- from the recall. I’ve honestly been neglecting my girl Luna, as they’re getting really sweet, but this flavor (PB Cookie!) totally makes me & my taste buds happy! I sincerely hope this “PB-scare” is gone for good!

I am so very jealous of Heather’s yoga journey! I’m happy she was able to do it (you-go-girlfriend!), especially because of my love of yoga lately. Check out her final review of her workshop!


Filed under books, dogs, grub

Good Things Come in Shoe Boxes

bama box <Brooks, Men’s size?!

As soon as I opened the box, I got a HUGE whiff of PEANUT BUTTER!!! (Totally Matt-style!)

inside box

My friend Matt at Run, Live and Enjoy sent me a whole box of goodies, including: Justin’s nut-butter packets, Kashi pilaf, Kashi bars (Pumpkin Pie & soft-baked Apple Spice), Kashi Chewy bar, Larabar, Blueberry-Almond granola, Clif Shot Blocks, Running Times magazine &… 


^PB Blondies (look at that HUGE chunk of PB on the 2nd picture!!!) I left it in the baggie because, well, it’s MINE (muahahaha!!!) & I already shared enough… Apparently, he was inspired by no other than Veggie Girl, but with the gluten! These are SoOoO divineTHANKS, MATT!!!

If you haven’t checked out Matt’s blog, you should!!! He’s a (very) active college student who eats well & runs even better! And… he’s pretty cool!

dsc04900 (says OP & the box!)

And because my carpets are clean, I’ll show you:

jasper vacuum

He (Jasper!) climbed up on my mom’s shoulders to try to get protection from the big-bad vacuum cleaner!!!


Filed under dogs, family, grub

Feeling lucky!

Someone is looking out for me! Who?

^ Facial Yoga, anyone? … maybe not her, but I don’t know. But yesterday I went back to the yoga studio to try a new class (as described on their website):

Power Yoga- Power Yoga is based on Ashtanga Yoga which helps cleanse and tone the body, mind and senses. An energetic series of poses designed to build strength, increase flexiibility and an inner freedom beyond compare.

I got there a little late, signed in, trying to rush into class (not a good thing in yoga, yanno? But it was “Power Yoga” so I was warming up in a way?) I gave the lady working the front desk my money & she said I had a 10-class pass! I had pondered the possibility last time I was in, but definitely did not pay for it, so someone really wants me to practice. I felt SO THANKFUL for that because I hadn’t been practicing as much as I would like, mostly because of funds & wanting to save a little.

I know, I know, I should be investing in my health, especially now that I don’t belong to a gym, but I have been walking, some running & lifting some light weights (not lightweights, the people) at home, which are still great exercises, but yoga brings a totally different feeling– inside & out! I love it! This is definitely a RAVE post! … for my “Yoga Fairy”, for the practice of yoga, for some power looking out for me & my well-being! THANKS, whoever you are!

Another blessing, in the same day?!

4 raw flax

When I got into work yesterday, one of my managers hands me a Target plastic bag… hmm? He said, “It’s from Andre,” then turned & left. OOOkay…?  

Ya’ll, Andre is in his late-30’s & very pleasant when he comes in & we always talk. He’s big into meditation & wellness, working out, healthy food (typical customer!), but he is also friends with one of my older-female-co-workers. Well, the other day this lady gave me one of her daughter’s (cute) shirts she didn’t want & I told her. “Anything else she doesn’t want, please send my way!” I guess she applied this to every part of life, haha. When she & Andre were hanging out, he gave her some goodies & she told him that I would like something too. I found this kind of odd, but sweet, too!

He gave me some raw flax crackers, from a local company: Dynamic Raw Food Artistry

ginger flax raw crackers

They are all made with Onion & Garlic, but with 4 different flavors: Ginger, Jalapeno, Coconut & Curry, & Spirulina!  They say to “drink lots of water while consuming dehydrated foods.” That makes sense, right? Don’t wanna be dehydrated… heh. heh. heh. 

I immediately dove into the Coconut & Curry flavored ones: YUM! They aren’t really *crispy* but they have a great texture & still a bit of crunch & are able to hold a topping (hummus? soup? cheese? YES!) 

Thanks to my 2 ANGELS! … and all my Blogger-Angel-Peeps out there (Y-O-U!) for just commenting & making a sistah’ feel GrOoVy! Should I play the lottery?! I don’t care to win, but I am on a lucky, given streak!

And I got a new tea:

caramel tea < Lipton Vanilla Caramel Truffle

When I bought it, my mom said, “NO, not another TEA!!!” Yes, another tea! I like variety, especially now that I don’t drink the standard coffee! It’s great, with real caramel pieces in the tea bag! But I wish I didn’t have to buy 20 of them- I just wanted to try it. Still, it’s in the cupboard, with 2 gone already! *sweet!*

Despite just going to the beach the other day, today is totally yucky: rainy, cold, windy! Good day to stay in & work on HW- not necessarily what I want, but it’s most definitely what I need!

Have a great week, lovelies! Of course, you can’t leave without someone saying bye:

jasper legs

jas + m

^ My mom was having a snack & he wanted to get close to get a hand-out. Nice move, Jassy! Look at the whites of his eyes, looking back at ya. He always does this: why not turn around to look? haha, silly…

*From my studio’s website:

“Yoga is all about relationship. The word itself means union. It refers to that most elemental of all relationships: the relationship of our small self with our Infinite Self. Yoga is how we satisfy the deep longing to belong.”

–Authentic Relationships Manual, Kundalini Research Institute.
February ended well for me & I’m feeling positive for March, too! 


Filed under dogs, exercise, family, grub, optimism, winter, work

Morning Love (& a chocolate-y giveaway!)

GOOD MORNING, from the 3 of us: Orange Pop, Jasper & Tucker on the bottom!

3 of us

They’re givin’ me some lovin‘! aww… Jasper wanted more face-time, so he stuck around, & I feel obligated to show you my morning-face because he’s worth it:

me & jas (courtest of PhotoBooth!) 

I had some “3-grain” cereal this morning: oat bran, oatmeal & wheat berries, with an apple, cinnamon, walnuts & smilk. It had great texture:

3-grain Kath puts wheatberries in her morning cereal, & since I still have a plethora of these chewy babies, I thought I’d use ’em. I have yet to incorporate a “blended-puddin’-style” of my grains, a-la Katie , but SPEAKING OF this chocolate-covered gal, she is having a CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY!!! Go to her new Wordpress blog-site & check it out to get a WHOLE FREAKIN’ CASE of Larabar’s Jocalat bars! The Larabar company is teaming up with her to help fund this giveaway- how awesome is that?

Something else I’ve consumed lately?

gin & kom

a new-to-me (empty) flavor of Kombucha, Multi-Green & some Peanut-Ginger chews! If you like peanuts (*ahem, PB-lova’s!*) & you love ginger, you miiight just like these! More peanutty than other ginger chews I’ve tried, but still, yummm!

THANK YOU to everyone in their feedback with the header/blog! I haven’t contacted anyone because I’m sort of wondering if I should change the style of the blog. And since I have become “Orange Pop” I need to stick with that. I think I’ll add more features, such as “Story-time” about my job, “Tea-time” with something snazzy about that, maybe something with dogs & of course, FOOD-stuff!

gtp tea < My sample  from Yogi teas

This weekend, I’m not sure what I’m up to, other than the usual work tomorrow night. Today, it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside, so I’m thinking I’ll go to the library to get some books for my school paper, then head to the beach?! Oh yes, I’m soo lucky! Have a wonderful weekend. What are you all up to?

Also, I’m wondering about OILS. Which have what benefits, which fats, what’s best to cook with, & not to cook with. Now I’ve been using canola to bake, olive to pan-fry, sautee & marinate, & flaxseed for dressings, dips & cold-toppers mixed in yogurt & such too. Any suggestions or ideas or websites with info about these things? I’m looking into walnut, avocado, almond & others… 


Filed under dogs, errands, grub, optimism, school, work

Temptation with Foodstuff

I’ve been busy in the kitchen! Check it out, yo:

pancakes pancakes with topping

^ Vegan Coconut-Pineapple-(Blueberry) ww Pancakes from Vegan with a Vengeance. This was so great! It’s been so long since I’ve had pancakes. I made them Friday morning, when I have no school or real reason to be up early, so it started a leisurely day off well! I did not make the “Pineapple Sauce” they suggested, but mixed up canned pineapple (with a bit of juice), blueberries, coconut, a bit of smilk & plain yogurt & agave. Just enough “moisture” for these beaut’s! I will make this again. I burnt one side of one, so I shared part of that with Jas-i-per & Tuck-i-fer! They didn’t complain!

coffee temptation < I randomly went to Whole Foods (grr, competition for independent stores like mine! But I wanted to check it out & compare) & was greeted by this temptation. I passed by it, backed up, took a deep whiff, snapped a picture, & moved on again. Go Me! Is this 4 weeks, holding strong with no coffee? Even at dinner parties we serve coffee afterward & I have to make it. And free coffee at work. Well, free tea too, so I’m set! Yazoo! I feel real good with my decision & don’t feel deprived of it, though Sunday I was draggin’… I lovez me some teaz!

oats in orange < Why didn’t I use this orange bowl & spoon sooner?! It’s purr-fect, along with my Breast Cancer mug. In this bowl is oat bran, a banana, almond butter, cinnamon, walnuts & smilk!

So, I went grocery shopping (not at WF) & here are some things I got that are new to me. The other stuff, I hid already!

new groc bible bread

^ 3-bean salad, Artichoke-Lemon Pepper “Hommus”, Annie’s Tuscany Italian Dressing, og. Tamari Pumpkin Seeds, Dairy-Free Mac’n’Chreese (haha- anyone try this?) & also Garden of Eatin’ “Bible Bread”- traditional pita pockets with a great, short ingredient list: Organically grown whole wheat flour, water, organically grown sesame seeds, yeast and sea salt. I’ll take it! I love the hummus & dressing, too- new flavors for me!

parfait dsc04614

^ Breakfast Parfait, in an effort to switch it up from oats. Then I deconstructed it because it became difficult to get more than one ingredient in a bite… with Mr. Bigelow tea. In it was: plain yogurt, blueberries, chopped apple, cinnamon & Sunflower-Pumpkin Seed granola

wheatberries I made a wheatberry salad, inspired by these hoots! I don’t know the real recipe, so I just added chopped celery, apple, walnuts, wheat berries (duh!), plain yogurt & the thing that brought out the ingredients= apple cider vinegar, with some salad seasoning herbs on top! YUM!

Another cooking-success?! From 101 Cookbooks. All her recipes & photos are amazing & this dish, the Orange Pan-glazed Tempeh was no exception. I served it with spinach & wheatberries (because I made a TON when I made them!) & a salad with dressing & sliced almonds:

close tempeh meal orange tempeh & wheat berries 

Guess who liked it, too?


Welp, I hope that those of you with exams & other important things on your “to-do” lists are doing MORE THAN okay!!!

I’m still working on getting a new header & theme & such… I’m workin on it, but if you could send me some help & ideas, I’d love an e-mail at smbvb10@hotmail.com. If you know-someone-who-knows-someone, too, I’d so appreciate it. Should I make a contest? How do people catch on & how can I make that worthy?!

THANKS, Lovely Ones!


Filed under books, dogs, groceries, grub


I mean, CATCH UP! Because there ain’t no KETCHUP here! …instead… 

close up

Did I lure you in? …keep reading to see more!

I’m sorry I have been a naughty, absent bloggermama, but I’ve been pretty good about commenting on everyone else’s lovely blog-iggities! Thanks for keeping my interest & taking up all my free time, GOSH! No, I love it!

…continuing from Valentine’s Day, like I said before, my dad & I got pedicures. This is a picture of the little Oriental ladies (who know us by name) rubbing our dogs. Please disregard the scary Casper-legs. I’m working on it. My dad is drooling. See us in all our luxury:

pedicure HA! My color is called “Wild Child”– a bright green-ish… my dad picked it out. I guess I’ll be ready for St. Patty’s Day!

I’ve been taking lots of yummy food-photos (the photos aren’t yummy, but what’s in them has been!) Here are some oatbran breakfasts, as of late:

dsc04493 dsc04575 dsc04576 < with banana, soy, pb & granola; again with banana, nuts, soy & banana… with my mom’s cute little cocktail napkins (she thinks she’s funny & this is so her…); & with soy, strawberries & nut butter. I really forget what is in each, but they had cinnamon (of course!) & were all good & truly solidify my love for oatbran.

P.S. That’s TEAnot COFFEE!!! Weeee!!!

dsc04492 < my Multi-vitamin of choice & Calcium-Magnesium-D(3) supplement, in strawberry-flavored liquid form (milky, but I like flava’-flave!)

dsc04577 hand ques jas + ques < Tempeh Quesadillas, based off of this recipe, from Vegetarian Times (online), but I didn’t broil it with cheese on top. I added peppers, onions, spinach, mozzarella, tempeh, tomatoes, salsa in a whole-wheat tortilla; cooked it in the skillet; served it alongside homemade guacamole (just avocado, salsa, onion & red pepper flakes!) & blue corn tortilla chips. A nice lunch, with Jasper in the background, contemplating the meaning of life… or something like that.

Friday the 13th was my grandpa’s birthday, so on that Sunday the 15th, we had the family over to celebrate that & Lover’s-Day on the 14th. (that was out of order, sorry) I made a cake from Vegan With a Vengeance: 

Raspberry Blackout Cake with Ganache-y Frosting– here it is, in the process/layers:

1st jam layer 1st frosting layer layer 2 jam finished 


My mom is way creative (hello, teacher!) so we had a “circus-theme”, bringing out the inner child of my grandpa. Our table cloth was (*homemade*) zebra-print, & we had circus animals & clowns/ring-leaders on the table, too. Here’s the arrangement I made. I’m so 6-years-old:

circus RAWR!!!

jim < He likes the gorilla

jim tootin his horn < tootin’ his own horn= ring leader?

with flowers slice of cake

… this cake turned out so moist & delicious! If you have the cookbook & have a reason to make it (& even if you don’t!), DO IT– you will not be disappointed!!! It was a major hit, if I do say so myself (& I do)! The party was great, too! Having family around is always a fabulous, beautiful thing, don’t ya agree? Even if you don’t always get along with them all, the love is still there! For sure!

Okay, this post is way-long, but I have some other great kitchen-makings that I feel really great about showing you! SOONER THAN LAST TIME, I will show you!

Until then, enjoy your weekends. What are you doing?! I hope it’s warming up in some wretched parts of the country! I’m sending warm wishes to you all- in your hearts & on your bodacious bods!




Filed under books, dogs, family, grub, holiday, winter

He loves you, yeah-yeah-yeah!

Me & The Beatles say, “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, LOVES!

I hope your day is filled with love, in all areas of your life: for yourself (#1!), friends, family, the things you do & everything in your world! What are you doing to celebrate this commercial love-filled holiday?!

I have to work tonight, but until then, I’m going to watch some romantic-comedies & get a pedicure with my dad. He loves them & he’s not afraid to say so! Last night, I saw He’s Just Not That Into You with one of my girlfriends. We’re both single, so it was our date! It make me just want to shout “STOP TALKING!” sometimes because sometimes the characters were so awkward, but it was cute & fun. Afterward, we chatted on the outside benches. Lovely!

When I woke up this morning, I saw, on my computer, a card:

dsc04482 dsc04483

from Daddy!!! (thanks, Daddy-o!) plus a sweet little note with it!


& a box of chocolate (& cash) from Mommy! (thanks, Mom-sie!)

I’m so lucky to have such a supportive, loving family! Truly, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with inheriting a great fortune, in the form of love, care & happiness! I hope you feel this way, in some part of your life, too!

Thanks to everyone on their feedback, though I was looking for even MORE than a few people. But, none-the-less, it was great to hear from a few special people & I’ve come to realize that, yes, it is MY blog, so I can write whatever, but will you read?

I think I even had a dream about my blog, leading me to some ideas… kind of cool, huh?! Would it be too much of a nuisance to change my name or blog?! Any experience with this?

Some of my favorite tea-makers sent me a sample (which I had inquired about a while back) dsc04478 dsc04479

with 3 flava’s: Green tea Pomegranate, Himalayan Apple Spice, & Berry Detox. I’ve tried the Green Tea Pomegranate & it’s tasty, so I’m looking forward to the others. Also, a lil’ coupon, YIPPEE!!! I love me some savings!

…speaking of TEA, I just got some new French Vanilla flavored tea, from Mr. Big(elow)!

french vanilla tea < it’s wonderful! I’ve been drinking it with soymilk & agave, which brings out the flavor & sweetness! mMmMm… even without coffee, I like to have a little fix of something, with some caffeine in the black tea in my mornings!

I saw the nutritionist this week again, too. While I followed the meal plan she gave me, toward the end, I felt even more hungry, even with less exercise I had been doing. So when I saw her, she weighed me (I was UP about 1.5 # in a week & a half, & I am happy with this!) & we worked on another, bigger meal plan. A “prescription,” if you will. It’s incorporating a lot of fat (mmm, hello nuts, seeds, avocado, nut-butters, etc…) & she said it’s her goal to get my *girly-thing* within 2 months!!! While I know this may be a pain (literally?), this excites me, because it’s been gone for farrrr too long! And that is just not right. 

Want to see some food? OKAY:

breakfast < yesterday’s breakfast, with a ray of sunshine from above (mug): oat bran (thanks to Heather, I have noticed that yes, oat bran, as opposed to oatmeal satisfies my hunger a wee bit more! Check out her comparison on the nutritional info. on the 2 oats here). Anyway, oat bran with walnuts, banana, cinnamon, vanilla & s’milk, multi-grain toast with Smart Balance butter & 2 eggs with spinach + S&P & tea with agave & s’milk. WOW, filling, but delicious! 

ingredients < a phone call, from the plain so’gurt to almond butter on the banana phone!

in blender in the blender it goes…

…+ ice & blueberries berries in

…to make: final smoothie YUM!!! Just what I needed on a warm winter day. Yes, it’s warm, sunny & BEAUTIFUL here in FL… *wish you were here!*

noodle view noodle bowl 

^ noodle bowl with: soba noodles, tempeh, veggies, sliced almonds, with red pepper flakes & flaxseed oil drizzled on top for some moisture & nutrient-absorbing fat! (Eaten with chopsticks, of course… Noodles are very difficult to eat with choppies so I had a fork around, too)

clif & tea snack < snack: Clif bar & tea (I LOVE this flavor tea!)

okay, I have a few more food photos, but instead, I’ll leave you with some great men in my life… they’re begging for you to “Be Theirs!” They’re lovers, I swear:



p.s. I love you!


Filed under dogs, family, grub, holiday, movies, optimism, work

What’s your Choice?

Before I begin, I can’t help but show you the cuteness I’ve been dealing with at home. I’m not complaining, though!

dsc04429 dsc04430 dsc04431 < while Jasper has a ball, Tucker seems to have put himself in jail. His little brother annoys him sometimes. (True in humans, too, maybe?!)

We come across soo many choices throughout the day, in ever-single-aspect of life. Here, I’m actually asking your opinion. There’s no wrong answers here, so be bold! 

SO– I’ve been thinking about a new theme. Even a new… name?! I don’t know how I feel about being “Miss Orange Pop” since I’ve cut out pop AND especially DIET pop! Maybe I can make it seem that I’m POPPING (like, popcorn) with excitement & abundance for life?

Potential Themes/Ways to Blog:

  • Centered around TEA. With this, I would have a “tea of the day,” perhaps (since I drink it daily & mix it up, anyway). I could give you the quote that is often on the tea bag string (like in Yogi & Good Earth teas) & ruminate about it. My logo with “Peace/Coffee” is great, but I’ve given up the coffee part!
  • How can I add the “Worth Ravin’ About” title in my posts more? Do I RAVE about new products I’ve found? Too many bloggers do “product reviews”, & while I appreciate it, I don’t want to be in the background with my own ravings…
  • Dogs. I have them & love them. I don’t want to blog about dog-food, though. Maybe I can make my own & blog about how the dogs enjoy it. This may be a bit far-fetched (har. har. fetched?)
  • The way I’m “popping” back to health. Gaining a bit of weight & strength, but also gaining my LIFE back. I don’t want to morph into an “ED-blog” though.
  • Do you want to see a daily-life post every week (or day, or once-and-a-while)? What I do, what I eat, who I am… suggestions?
  • Recipe tab- how do I make one?
  • Things I see & have happen to me. For example, at work, (it’s a health-food store) there are SO many, er, different people I come across, each with a different story. It’s comical sometimes, but sometimes I learn a lot. 
  • Movies– I love watching them & quoting them. Do I speak to you in movie-quoted language?! (sometimes I wonder if I’d speak much, if it weren’t for movies!)
  • SUGGESTIONS/comments/votes are very much welcome!!! New header, tag-line, etc?

What do YOU want to see more/less of & have changed here?

How did YOU come up with the basis/idea/theme/name of YOUR blog?!

Thanks. Ya’ll ROCK! I’ll update my BlogRoll because I’m getting new readers! Leave your e-mail website, if you’d wish!


Filed under dogs, movies, optimism

Reunited & it feels so GOOD!

Hi, pals! Guess who made it home today?!

I’ll give you a hint

jasper corner …zzZzzZzz…

JASPER!!!! Here’s the story:

He got out Saturday morning. We put up signs, called people, worried, checked everywhere, worried, stressed, cried, etc. Sunday was sort of a quiet day. Tucker (our other dog) was sulking. Sometimes I think he wishes Jasper would just go away because he is allllways wanting to play & annoys big-brother Tucker, but after the first day of peace, Tucker was worried about his baby brother! 

My mom took the day off from work today to look & call places, but 1st thing this morning, we got a call from Animal Services saying they had our Jasper! YaY! Someone found him & turned him in!

**Moral of the story: micro-chip your pet & get it registered!**

After some paperwork & a rabies-shot, my mom took him home & we reunited after I got home from school today!! She said he was the 2nd-to-last dog in the shelter & she was nervous he wasn’t actually there! Also, when she saw him, he was in the corner with his head down… aww! Poor little guy!

He half-heartedly slept all day, glued to our side when he wasn’t laying down! I think he was still nervous about losing us again. Tomorrow, he should be more like his old self. I hope. Our family is “re-united, & it feels so good!!!” (anyone?!)

jasper sleep jasper asleep

^ Asleep? How is that comfortable?!

*phew* Am I relieved or what?!

OH- you want to see some more animals? I’ll show you what this vegetarian-gal is snacking on:

panda gummies < gluten-free, fruit-sweetened gummies! Ginger Panda, to be exact! (look at that cutie noshing on bamboo!)

tata, for now!


Filed under dogs, family, grub, optimism